Conducting advertising campaigns, reducing prices and traditional marketing policy are not a guarantee of successful sales. All this leads to the search for new methods to increase sales and return to old ways, such as personalized sales. If earlier the enterprises tried to produce as many goods as possible and promoted them through advertising. Now the product needs to be adapted to the needs of consumers. Advertising allows only to inform the client about the availability of the product and its main characteristics, and the CRM-system increases the efficiency of work with the buyer. Thus, the company that implemented this technology in the process of work can leave behind all its competitors. Here are the 5 best recommendations for how to make the process of adapting employees to a CRM system simple and effective.
  1. Create a reliable plan.

The plan should include clearly prioritized objectives, but not be limited to, specific tactics to achieve these goals and projected results, set in pay-back order. This approach will ensure the fulfillment of the most profitable tasks in the first place. Which will demonstrate the prospects of the project “in the bud” and lay the foundation for success in the future. The resources in the plan should be distributed. And the tasks assigned to the performers, in addition, the dependencies and limitations. The timing and structure of the work breakdown and other elements that are attributes of the “good” plan should be prescribed. It is impossible to do everything at once, so the strategy and plan should be broken down into certain stages so that the fulfillment of the initial tasks contributes, in particular, to the implementation of long-term goals. The plan should start with small tasks, include iterative steps and provide for the possibility of a rapid change, as adjustments are inevitable in the course of the project. A reliable plan is a signal to users that the project is important, carefully designed, and therefore it should be adhered to.
  1. Strategy

It is important to formulate a strategy that will create a clear picture of the project and serve as an action plan. It should consist of two main blocks: 1) the orientation of the CRM system on the specifics of the business; 2) goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound); Also, the lack of a clear strategy raises doubts in the minds of users who have already witnessed how many projects were disrupted due to a change in priorities or a clash of interests. When the CRM system is set up to achieve the company’s goals – there is an awareness of the importance of the project.
  1. Active participation of users in the project at the earliest stages.

If you attract users to the application of the CRM system right before it is put into service, you will encounter resistance from their side, which is quite fair. In such a situation, it is recommended to identify users from each group of stakeholders (by their role, region or department), involve them in the choice of CRM system and its analysis at the stage of preparation for implementation (but not later than the start of the deployment!). These users should become “representatives” of all other employees, who it is necessary to convey the main message to the CRM system is designed for their comfortable use, it is not an IT project.
  1. Select the correct team.

The project team will identify and correct the problems that arise in the process of adaptation. So choosing the right team is the key to the successful implementation of the CRM system. Lack of resources and lack of own specialists in CRM can create difficulties in the selection of teams and the distribution of roles between employees. Experience also shows that employees who are most suitable for the project are often loaded with other work. It’s not a coincidence. As the saying goes: “If you want the work to be done, give it to a busy person.” Which of the employees working full-time or part-time, should be involved in the deployment of the CRM system, depends on the specifics of technology and specific objectives of the company.
  1. Customer’s opinion

In this sense, your customers are your real users. Business Card Reader – it is an effective tool for feedback from users and customers. With this application, you are able to scan any business card and send data directly to your CRM system. The best recommendation, in this case, is to integrate Business Card Reader with Hubspot CRM. Do not delay, give your workers the opportunities to use all the features of the CRM system along with this great application!


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