3 ways how CRM system supports your
I was surprised when I have understood, there are still marketers, who work with Excel lists of prospects and customers, and use Outlook for mass sharing of email. Excel and Outlook are great tools, but not if you want to be competent in your marketing attempts. Here are 3 ways how the  CRM system can help your marketing efforts and make your day better more efficient.
  1. Segmentation
Do you know how many customers you have in each district or how many prospects you have in your sales pipeline? If you can’t divide your customer base into segments you will probably send the same message to all and the consequence is a low opening rate and in worst case irritation and a bad reputation. Here are some tips to build a great database:
  • Data quality. The foundation for effective marketing is good data quality. Get as much info about the company as you can. Use Google and business directories (such as LinkedIn). The same engages for contact persons, here are phone number, email, and title, interests. Managing the good database quality means an endure update. That’s why it shouldn’t be only a job for marketing but for each person in your organization which has a contact with a customer.
  • Selections. When your data is structured, it’s easy to take out selections based on your target group. Let’s say your sales manager wants you to run an eMarketing campaign to prospects with title “sales manager” assigned to your salesperson “Frank”. In your CRM system, you can make a selection with these criteria and get the whole list on your screen.
  1. Project management
If you work with project management, the number of documents, mails, and activities, which are involved in a project can be overwhelming. In your CRM system, you make a project and then add all documents, activities, and mails to one project room. If you book, for example, a weekly project meeting, you can add the project to the booking. So that all the people concerned, can open the project, find the latest documents and be prepared for the meeting.
  1. Automization
You can save a lot of time on administration with the right useful tools. A CRM system gives you instant access to all your customer and prospect information and with an integrated eMarketing tool, you can easily manage your campaigns. Let me give an example of a workflow: Explanation of the workflow:
Step 1 Planning
Here you set your target group and decide on the content, what is the theme of the newsletter or the campaign?
Step 2 Production
Here you add your text and images to your eMarketing tool and design the actual mailing. You may also want to create landing pages for content and make the selection.
Step 3 Follow up
Here you look at the mailing report. What links have your recipients clicked and what content do they prefer? This way you can get a good overview of what type of content interests your readers. And if you include CTA’s (call-to-action) in your mailing you can add activities to the sales responsible diary. With a fully integrated eMarketing tool, you can also automatize lots of functions such as add people who click on a link in your mailing to projects or selections for later action and automatically add or remove interests.
For a long time CRM has been closely connected to sales, but the actual abbreviation CRM stands for is Customer Relationship Management, and that’s what we also do in marketing, isn’t it? My advice for you is to get the right tools to help you do your job more efficient:
CRM system: Contact data available in a centralized database with functionality to make selections and targeted communication
Integrated eMarketing tool: Design professional emails and measure the results.

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