You have to know how to do it right!


   These days mass media more and more often says that working from home becomes increasingly common around the globe. It’s obvious as that trend increased by 115 percent from 2005 till 2015. People said that productivity of people who work from home had raised 43 percent growth over those who work in the office. So here are some of the key points of how to cope with working from home:


  1. Separate your job from real life  While working from home, everybody have such a spread problem: “I don’t have any free time for myself, for my family or friends.” You have to remember that home is a place where you can relax and really enjoy your life. There is no way that you will be stressed in your comfort zone. That is why you have to find place somewhere else in the city where you can solve problems or answer the phone calls. From that follows next chapter about rational planning.
  2. Plan your working time Actually it’s so important to have your day time planned perfectly. Especially when you have a lot of duties throughout a day. There are a lot of ways of having your tasks assigned. As for me more useful and easy way to note your managing tasks is downloading special apps. And that’s already a new chapter about using an app that can open you an opportunity for an easier way of life.
  3. Make your work a real pleasure for you One day Confucion said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” That quote have to be a rule for all the people around. Because when you are happy from a process of working the end result will be magnificent. You can’t even imagine how it is important to feel happy about your career.
  Despite all the rules a lot of companies refuse to give working days from home for their workers. That’s because not every person has the same progres at home as in the office.

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